5 Corners at Grace Church

Adopted by Hanna Lambert, with
Siri Lambert, Niamh Lynch, Akansha Muthukrishnan, and Emma Boudrias

We started with site selection, getting permission, measurements and a plan. Many thanks to Margie Lavender of the Hastings Pollinator Pathway for the design!

This garden builds on pollinator habitat at 5 Corners and supports the pathway, as it's across the street from the Beautification Committee's Foodtown Garden, and catty-corner across from the HPPs garden on Chauncey. The garden was made possible by a grant from the Bloomberg Youth Climate Action Fund.

We prepped the soil by solarizing it for two months under tarps, and then digging up the turf, including the many rocks, in squares. We then purchased the flowers from a local nursery, as well as tools, such as shovels, spades and watering cans.

After adding soil amendments, we plotted out and planted flowers, with the help of friends, family and our dog Hudson. We have been watering the flowers every other day, unless it rains.

Next we will water it this fall, weed it for the next several years, and watch it grow!

Many thanks to everyone who has helped with this project, including The Pollinators team, family and friends, Luisa Scoscia and Annika Lambert, and especially Margie Lavender and Haven Colgate, as well as Rev Lauren Kurakto and Grace Church, our Village Mayor and her staff, and Bloomberg Philanthropies.