This Land is Your Land

So take good care

Hastings' New Leaf Blower Law

Now in effect, Hastings' new leaf blower law stipulates:

For the full law with additional stipulations, click here

If you use a landscaper, be sure they understand the new law. Homeowners are now subject to fines when a landscapers commits  violations on that homeowner's property. See below for tips to redirect reliance on leaf blowers toward more sustainable practices.

Landscaping companies can register their businesses with the Village here (free): permit in English // permit in Spanish

NOTE: For a limited time, Hastings is offereing registered landscapers up to $1500 stipends for the purchase of electric leaf blowers. Click here for application.

Working with Landscapers

New Leaf Blower Law: Info in Spanish


Hastings se une a las ciudades y estados que limitan el uso de sopladores de hojas. La acción de cumplir con la nueva ley de sopladores de hojas protege la salud y bienestar de nuestros residentes y de quienes trabajan en los jardines locales.  

El uso de los sopladores de hojas:

Existen alternativas al uso de sopladores de hojas. Primero, usa la opción de “mulch-mow” siempre que pueda. Aprenda cómo mantener un jardín hermoso y ayudar a crear un ecosistema más saludable para sus clientes aquí:


Los clientes están conscientes de esto y buscan cada vez más paisajistas que cuiden sus jardines de forma ecológica. 

Tips on how to transition your landscaper's yard care practices to more ecological ones

Got a story to share? Did something you tried work or not work when communicating with your landscaper?
Do you have additional care suggestions? We would love your feedback to help improve this resource.

Web version: Garden Health Guide - Talking to Your Landscaper.docx